JAK's Place

A drop-in resource center for persons affected by mental illness, and their friends and family.

July 30, 2021

Calendar errors

Filed under: News — The Editor @ 3:12 pm

Well, as usual, the editor had a screw loose and missed a thing or two on the calendar. There was a leftover from last month — we are not closed on Friday the 6th. An amended calendar has been uploaded. The link is the same —
August Calendar PDF

Something has to get borked every month LOL


July 29, 2021

August Newsletter and Calendar

Filed under: News,Newsletter — The Editor @ 12:47 pm

It’s all good news. Well, mostly. No bad news, anyway. 🙂

Just to top it off, we got some donations just after the newsletter went to press.

August newsletter - PDF

August calendar - PDF

Don’t forget, we have a brat fry coming up, August 13-14-15. Volunteering for fundraising events is a good way to keep JAK’s Place going.

Our new Trillium card is available!



10 for $5.00


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