JAK's Place

A drop-in resource center for persons affected by mental illness, and their friends and family.

November 26, 2020

December newsletter and Calendar

Filed under: Events,General interest,Mental health,Newsletter — The Editor @ 1:27 pm

The holiday season — prime time for depression. It’s not just the long nights, the cold, and the cloudy days. It’s unrealistic expectations and the stress of trying to meet them. The great Christmas Shopping Manic Panic. What was once a happy celebration has been perverted into a painful ratrace.

Families get together not because they want to, not out of love, but because an unwritten law says they should.  The dinner table becomes a battlefield. Mothers, worn out from cooking a huge, unhealthy feast and coping with all the other extra chores, feel inadequate. The day after, there’s nothing but bitterness; after all the yearning and anticipation nothing has changed for the better.

You do have a choice. You can opt out of the ratrace. If you can’t get away from it entirely, you can at least take it less seiously. The world is not going to end if everyone doesn’t get a Big Perfect Present.

And you know what? Presents don’t matter. People matter.

Editor’s rant over. 😉

Here are the monthly goodies. Note that again, we have two Packer Parties at JAK’s this month, and of course there’s the CSP Holiday Party. See the sidebar for details.

There will be a Yoga class on Dec. 12, 5:00 to 5:45, with Anne Miller. Starting in January, it will be held on 2nd and 4th Mondays at that time. Bring a mat or some kind of cushion if you can.

So here’s the newsletter already:

December Newsletter (PDF)

And the calendar:

Dec. 2011 Calendar

Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Joyous Kwanzaa, Festive Yule, and, if you like, have a whoopin’ great Saturnalia.


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