JAK's Place

A drop-in resource center for persons affected by mental illness, and their friends and family.

April 27, 2021

May Newsletter and Calendar

Filed under: Events,General interest,Mental health,Newsletter,Update — Tags: , , — The Editor @ 8:57 pm

MAY IS Mental Health Month!

Along with the spring flowers, we welcome our new Program Director, Jane Herlitz. She brings knowledge and experience that will give JAK’s Place a new life. Her bio will be in next month’s newsletter.

There are some notable mental health events in May; see the newsletter for details.

NAMI Doorways, May 2016 (PDF)

May 2016 Calendar (PDF)

Yet another event is a presentation by JAK’s Place staff member, Laura Haglund:

The Art and Nature of Fractals in Nature and Art
Monday, May 16, 6pm, at JAK’s Place
Food for thought with plenty of eye-candy. See what it’s all about and ask questions.

What is a fractal?
Benoit Mandelbrot coined the word in 1975, from the Latin word fractus, which means broken-like fractured, fragmented-or rough. His quest for a new kind of geometry that could be used to describe and measure natural forms led to the discovery of a world of indescribable beauty and wonder.
Mandelbrot was lucky to live in the age of the computer. Creative mathematicians in the past had no way to check similar theories. Fractal geometry needs the fast calculation of a computer because it takes thousands of repetitions to create a shape, and to assign color to every point in it. A fractal formula rendered as an image by a computer can be explored, and different views of it saved.
Now we can see what ancient thinkers knew only by intuition. Fractals are all around us and in us. Everything is fractal.

Fractal Foundation
Fractal Geometry at Yale University

Fractal image

Fractal exploration is a relaxing pastime that requires no knowledge of math, or any extra monetary investment. If you have a computer or a tablet, you can play with fractals


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